Has anyone ever told you that you're bossy? Yeah, me too ... and I consider it a compliment.
On the plus side, bossy indicates in charge & confident. On the other side, it's annoying & something the spouse might say when I'm being, well, bossy. For the purposes of this little blog post, we're hitting the plus side & how Realtors & other entrepreneurs need to nail this bossy thing. I want to talk about how Realtors mess up this entrepreneurial thing by being lousy bosses to themselves.
You are a licensed professional. You’re an entrepreneur, an independent contractor. The good news about this? The good news is that you are your own boss. But what is the bad news? The bad news is that you are your own boss. Don’t be a lousy one.
You’ve worked for someone else before. Most of us have. You showed upon time, you got the most important things done every day, you planned out your vacations carefully, you figured out how to run your life and get important things done—buying groceries, taking kitty to the vet, driving
kids to school early, meeting the repair guy, preparing for family visiting over the holidays. You figured out what to do when your child was sick. You made the most out of your weekends. You figured it out. You may have been tired, but you figured it out. For years, you figured it out. You were amazing with that forty to fifty-hour or more obligation every week. You had to . . . it meant job stability; it paid the bills.
And then you become a self-employed independent contractor, and you start behaving differently with all this freedom and flexibility. You’re running a business, YOUR BUSINESS, the most important business you have ever had your hands on. So are you running it as well as you used to run someone else’s?
Why would you treat your own real estate business, that you own, any differently than you had treated someone else’s business when you were an employee? Why would you treat someone else’s business with more respect and reliability than you treat your own? This chapter is about hold-
ing a mirror in front of our faces identifying where our opportunities lie.
Once I really grasped this concept, I started holding the mirror and regularly asking myself these questions:
• Am I being a good boss?
• Was I a good boss today?
• If I was a lousy boss today, what got in my way?
• Am I doing the things I need to do today to build my pipeline?
• What is my fastest route to a new client or paycheck today?
• Am I maintaining a full-time schedule?
• Do I look busy, or did I actually gain traction this week?
So, are you bossy? I hope so.
[Most of this ^ is an excerpt from my Amazon best-seller, Success Faster On Fire Hot!]
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