We designed and built our dream home on three acres on the edge of Austin. We designed the modern farmhouse for years, we built it in 2013. We had an amazing experience with our architect and his interactive spreadsheet that kept us on budget. If we wanted to extend the laundry room three feet or widen the overall footprint of the home or add a fireplace or a dance hall, he clicked in a new number or two in his amazing technicolor spreadsheet and we could look immediately at the bottom line of what that particular modification did to our budget, usually with a little shock and we would undo the most recent adjustment. We journeyed through this see-saw process of tweaking our wants and needs in alignment with our very specific budget.
We learned that you cannot build the perfect house, the first time. We learned that the only way to build the perfect house is to build it twice. That way, you get to improve upon everything that, in hindsight, would make it better or would at least move that one light switch that makes no sense at all or switch out that now obviously undersized ceiling fan that we just had to have. We love our modern farmhouse on the edge of Austin, it’s not perfect but it is the manifestation of a dream.